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Live Decisions of Congress 2024

Composite O (Covering Motions 80 & 82)

Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Workplace 

“That this Congress recognises the significantly increased levels of mental ill-health within our workforces.

“During and after 2020 the Covid 19 pandemic, workplaces within the NHS had a renewed and extensive focus on staff wellbeing. This was a welcome move from all staff within the NHS but now 4 years on, is what has been put in place working?

“There have been many different approaches implemented for health and wellbeing for staff from counselling, stress courses, ways to relax, mindfulness etc.

“However, despite these services being on offer the top reasons for sickness absence in some Health board areas is stress depression and anxiety. This data is across all staff in the NHS workplace from porters, dieticians, podiatrists, physiotherapists, radiographers, midwives and nurses.

“Congress notes, in 2021 we saw 31% of staff in NHS Scotland who were off work, were absent due to stress/anxiety/depression. The NHS Scotland Workforce statistics for 31 March 2023 show Scotland having the highest ever absence rate of 6.2%, the highest level seen in the past 10 years, and whilst this may not all be related to stress in the workplace, there is something fundamentally wrong if absence is increasing in the workplace.

“Four years after the pandemic and all the investment in different strategies for supporting staff it appears we have not got this right and we feel the time has come to look deeper and try to understand why things are not improving for staff and in particular the trend of increasing stress and anxiety levels at work. In 2024, a survey of RCPod members, approx. 90% reported symptoms of burnout.

“The serious nature of mental health, including suicide, can be a daunting experience for trade union representatives when supporting members, colleagues and on occasions families.

“Trade union representatives supporting those impacted by the increase in work related stress, fatigue, self-harm, addiction, bereavement, and other forms of trauma, must have the full support of the employer, workplace Occupational Health and Health Surveillance services. 

“Congress believes employers must put in place a robust Mental Health Policy, which includes the sign posting of relevant support services that include all of the above. Joint Trade Union and management education and training programmes/workshops should be introduced and promoted throughout our workforces with paid time off to attend. 

“Congress recognises the importance of raising awareness of the signs of mental ill-health and accessing support at the point of need. 

“Congress asks the General Council to support affiliates:

  • asking workplaces to delve deep into the support given to staff and to understand what is and is not working.
  • seeking the views of staff on what support they believe is required to keep them well and at work.

‘‘Congress further calls on the STUC General Council to update current resources of the STUC to include education/training programmes and workshops that incorporate and identify support mechanisms required to negate any negative impact on those supporting workers with mental health, suicidal, self-harm or other forms of trauma that reflect todays working environment.’’ 

Mover: Royal College of Podiatry 

Seconder: Edinburgh Trades Union Council
