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Home/Live Decisions of Congress 2024 | Composite J (Covering Motion 59 & Amended Motion 58)/Composite J (Covering Motion 59 & Amended Motion 58)

Live Decisions of Congress 2024

Composite J (Covering Motion 59 & Amended Motion 58)


‘‘That this Congress is deeply concerned at the barriers to work faced by parents in Scotland, particularly women, due to the lack of flexible and affordable childcare, which has been exacerbated in the cost of living crisis.

‘‘Congress recognises that high quality, accessible and affordable childcare is essential to tackling child poverty and inequality.

“Congress notes that Maternity services are a 24/7 365-day essential element of healthcare that requires the majority of the workforce to be flexible, available, and able to provide regular periods of on-call and respond to emergencies and unplanned care. Circa 60% (1868) of Midwives work part time and 99.7% of the workforce are women with a median age that has reduced by 10 years in the past five years to 42.

‘‘The turnover of midwives continues to rise year on year at unpreceded levels while recruitment has become a recurring risk across Scotland. These risks have adversely impacted on the ability of maternity services to ensure safe and appropriate staffing. One of the key reasons midwives have given for leaving their posts and profession or reducing their hours by requesting part time working, is to reduce costs and improve the ability to access childcare.

‘‘Congress notes with concern the findings of the Scottish Women’s Budget Group’s 2023 Childcare Survey, in which 62% of women said their mental health had been affected by the challenges of finding and paying for childcare, and nearly half stated that the challenges of managing childcare have influenced their decision not to have another child.

‘‘Congress believes that childcare provision should be accessible for all families, but this is currently not the case. The Scottish Women’s Budget Group found that 16% of women who are entitled to free hours are unable to access them due to a lack of flexibility in the provision. Congress recognises that this lack of flexibility is particularly challenging for low paid women who are working irregular and/or unsocial hours, with many having to rely on family members for help, to cut their hours or to give up paid work entirely.

‘‘Childcare providers are not always available within tangible distances and their operating hours are in the main restricted to weekday and day hours.”

“Congress believes that the childcare provision that Scotland needs is most likely to be achieved through an expansion of properly funded, public and not for profit provision by properly paid staff covered by collective bargaining arrangements.”

‘‘Congress calls on the STUC to campaign for:

  • accessible, affordable, and available childcare across Scotland, including wraparound care;
  • increased access and reduced or supported costs for safe and flexible childcare, to enable families to contribute to the maternity and wider healthcare workforce without being forced to live in borderline poverty or give up their profession;
  • recognition of the critical role often played by grandparents in supporting parents to work; and
  • increased access to flexible working, particularly for low paid workers.’’

Mover: Union of Shop, Distributive, and Allied Workers

Seconder: Royal College of Midwives 

Supporter: UNISON
