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Live Decisions of Congress 2024

Composite H (Covering Motions 37 & 39)

Social Care

“That this Congress recognises and supports the valuable work being done by trade unions organising workers across the whole social care sector. 

‘‘Congress notes the difficulties the Scottish Government have faced in progressing their National Care Service (Scotland) Bill and that the Scottish Government have abandoned the original principle of the Bill; to take social care, social work, and community health away from local government and the NHS.

‘‘Congress further notes that the Scottish Government’s vision for a national care service is one where ““the market for social care as a whole remains vibrant and stable”.

“Congress rejects this vision and believes that the market in care increasingly works at the expense of the Scottish public and economy. Allowing this model to continue means care workers remain underpaid and keeps the pressure on companies to follow a lowest-cost strategy while generating profits for their owners.

“Congress believes that the quality of care which people experience in residential homes should not be shaped by their income, by the fluctuation of the market, or the commercial viability of the provider. Market competition means that even not-for-profit providers are often driven by financial rather than care criteria when faced with threats to their commercial viability. 

‘‘Congress believes that care should be a service not a commodity and that any National Care Service worthy of the name must be based on that idea.

“Congress believes social care, including residential care, should be provided on the same basis as healthcare i.e. funded out of general taxation and free at the point of need. 

‘‘Congress notes the UNISON commissioned report “For a real National Care Service” published with APSE proposes an alternative to the Scottish Government’s proposals; the report outlines a service based on public delivery rather than reliance on the market.

‘‘Congress calls on the Scottish Government to:

  • meet their commitment made in 2019 to introduce sectoral bargaining for care staff;
  • abandon their failing National Care Service (Scotland) Bill and instead gather together all interested parties to design a system based on public and not for profit delivery and then develop legislation which will create a real national care service; and
  • end the market in social care and ensure that properly funded high-quality residential care for all who require it is shaped by the involvement of all the people and their families and consistent with the principle of supporting independent living.’’ 

