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Home/Live Decisions of Congress 2024 | Composite G (Covering Amended Motions 30 & 31)/Composite G (Covering Amended Motions 30 & 31)

Live Decisions of Congress 2024

Composite G (Covering Amended Motions 30 & 31)

Work Related Violence 

“That this Congress reaffirms the right that all workers should be, and feel, safe in their workplaces. Congress deplores the fact that despite the long-held right to a safe workplace, many workers continue to experience significant work-related violence and aggression. 

“Congress adopts the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) definition of work-related violence as: ‘Any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work. This definition includes: 

  • verbal abuse or threats, including face-to-face, online and via telephone; and
  • physical attacks. 

“The latest ONS figures for violence at work recorded 688,000 incidences in one year.

“Congress commends the EIS national branch survey on violence and aggression in schools. Congress notes with concern that 85% of schools experience daily or weekly work-related violence on teachers, with a worrying rise of misogynistic behaviour in male pupils.

“Congress recognises that school Pupil Support Assistants, janitors, cleaners, caterers and administrators are frequently subject to violence; and recognises the GMB Scotland survey which found that 20% experience violence daily, that most incidents were not recorded, and that violence in schools against staff is increasing.

“Congress is deeply concerned that, in particular, the health, safety and welfare of teachers and support staff in schools is being put at risk by tolerating pupil indiscipline; firstly by the risk of a serious incident occurring, and secondly by the stress induced by an incident, or through the fear of an incident.

“Congress believes that the education and wellbeing of young people in schools is also being compromised.

“Congress agrees that it is vital that action on behaviour is taken which will benefit pupils, the school and college workforce and local communities.

“Surveys have consistently shown that LGBT people face high rates of abuse, harassment and exclusion. A Stonewall survey reported that 10% of BAME LGBT people responded that they had been attacked compared to 3% of white LGBT people. 

“The most common form of gender-based violence at work is sexual harassment. Gender power relations and their intersectionality with other factors, such as age, ethnicity and the nature of the job, are associated with the form and source of violence experienced by female workers. 

“Congress condemns the risks of violence faced by all workers at their workplaces, especially for those at greater risk. 

‘‘Congress calls on the General Council to: 

  • gather evidence from affiliates on the prevalence of workplace violence, including by gender, and in relation to BAME, disabled and LGBT workers; 
  • lobby government to take responsibility for producing clear national behaviour and reporting guidelines which ensure minimum standards are applicable across all educational establishments; 
  • lobby government to ensure an expectation is placed on employers to report all violent incidents to the police; 
  • support affiliates forced to take industrial action to ensure staff safety and wellbeing; 
  • provide training for workplace representatives on undertaking risk assessments and interrogating data to identify gaps;
  • promote the role of health and safety representatives to employers to increase liaison and associated facility time; 
  • campaign to ensure sufficient resources are given to schools to meet the needs of young people;
  • promote to representatives, government and employers the Health and Safety Executive definition of work-related violence and associated guidance; 
  • promote to government the benefits of education staff having access to regular, structured, professional support as part of their working conditions; and
  • promote affiliates’ campaigns for employers to log, acknowledge, investigate, take action and feed back on reported incidents.’’ 

Mover: Educational Institute of Scotland 

Seconder: NASUWT


GMB Scotland

