Composite B (Covering Motions 2 & 9)
Just Transition
‘‘That this Congress is aware that Just Transition is about the fair treatment of workers and communities most affected by the change as we move to a lower carbon world.
“Congress recognises a Just Transition to a low-carbon economy requires worker-led transition planning and system change if we are to meet our climate commitments in an equitable manner. ‘
“Congress applauds workers and trade unions already leading transition in their workplaces and communities.
“Congress notes that the UK, including Scotland, still does not have a plan that puts workers, their future skills and effective communities at the heart of an energy policy. The current approach taken by the UK and Scottish Government is failing to deliver on climate targets or the creation of new jobs.
“Congress is particularly concerned by the threat to workers at Grangemouth by Petroineos, the cheap selling off Scotland’s offshore wind potential through ScotWind, and the lack of funding available for the municipalisation of bus services.
“Congress regrets the overreliance on inward investment and privatisation from all political parties when greater public intervention and ownership in the economy is essential to create new, unionised jobs and community wealth.
“Congress re-affirms its campaign for a new industrial strategy to deliver the necessary system change in transport, energy and buildings to reduce emissions through progressive policies that deliver the maintenance of jobs and skills, while creating jobs in low carbon manufacturing and supply chains.
“Congress calls on the General Council to:
- Use the upcoming General Election to campaign for an industrial strategy for the UK, developed in coordination with the devolved governments, founded on public intervention and investment.
- Campaign for the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Plans and Green Industrial Strategy to be founded on these same grounds.
- Campaign for UK Labour’s proposed ‘Great British Energy’ to work with councils to deliver publicly owned renewable heat and energy.
- Campaign for a fully integrated public transport system across rail, buses, and ferries including taking buses back into public ownership.
- Campaign for workers’ rights that ensure future climate jobs are secure, sustainable, good jobs, delivered through collective bargaining, and that those workers and communities whose industries are threatened by the necessary changes have their jobs protected and their skills fully utilised in the sustainable industries of the future.
- Support workers to develop their own worker-led decarbonisation plans, particularly for affiliate members interested in plans for their workplace or sector.”
Mover: STUC General Council
Seconder: Inverness & District Trades Union Council