Amended Motion 1
Raising Taxes to Deliver for Scotland
“That this Congress notes an ageing population, the climate transition, cuts in public services and the disproportionate impact of these cuts on people with protected characteristics, all require an increase in tax revenue to fund public investment.
“Congress notes polling showing two-thirds support increasing taxation to fund more public spending on health, education and social benefits.
“However, our current tax system benefits rich individuals and corporations. Fundamental reform is needed.
“Congress welcomes the Scottish Government’s new tax rate for those earning over £75,000, as proposed by the STUC. However, the Scottish Government’s Council Tax freeze and unwillingness to countenance more ambitious tax reform has left a hole it was never going to fill.
“Congress believes we should use the full powers of the Scottish Parliament to tax wealth and property, which could raise £3.7 billion.
“Congress further believes that changes are needed at a UK level to close loopholes allowing rich individuals and corporations to minimise tax.
Congress calls on the General Council to lobby:
- the Scottish Government to immediately commit to a property revaluation as a precursor to replacing the Council Tax with a proportional property tax, initiate plans to implement a wealth tax as part of the local tax system, replace the Small Business Bonus Scheme with a relief for employers providing “fair work”, examine the feasibility and potential under existing powers, of introducing levies, on industries with extraordinarily high profit margins and introduce a private jet tax;
- the UK Government to equalise capital gains and income tax, close tax avoidance loopholes, reduce inheritance tax reliefs, implement a tax on share buybacks, and invest in a fully resourced cadre of HMRC staff and civil servants to tackle tax avoidance;
- local government to utilise the tourist tax and other tax powers to maximise revenue for local services, including arts and culture venues and music education services; and
- opposition parties in Scotland to support progressive tax measures, rather than calling, impossibly, for more services but lower taxes.’’
Mover: STUC General Council
Seconder: Musicians’ Union
Supporter: East Kilbride & South Lanarkshire Trades Union Council