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Unions into schools

unions into schools

All across Scotland, trained union reps are visiting secondary schools and working with classes and teachers to ensure that young people have an improved knowledge of both their rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

Their work, along with the input of teachers and pupils, has ensured that we have a resource which can be used both by teachers and by trade union school visitors, or by both together, to provide flexible teaching suitable for a range of ages and abilities as part of aspects of the curriculum dealing with enterprise, careers and citizenship.unions into schools

The emphasis of this resource is on participative learning, involving classes in discussion, negotiation and the forming of opinions. We believe that by providing an enhanced understanding of the workplace we can play a part in equipping young people to be successful, not just in their working lives, but in wider society.

A Better Way to Work in Scotland comes in four units which provide an introduction to basic rights at work; a more detailed exploration of rights and responsibilities in the workplace; an explanation of the role of trade unions; and then encourages pupils to consider the future world of work.

Interested in becoming a rep?

Join our network of Unions into Schools reps by following this link: https://stuc-schools.org/become-a-rep 

For further information and to arrange a school visit contact us at schools@stuc.org.uk.

You can also visit our Unions into Schools mini-site for more information.

Next training session

STUC unions into Schools training event on 27 August in Elgin

Click on the image to find out more about the next training event taking place in Elgin, Moray 
