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Fair work

The STUC is represented on the Fair Work Convention and works with it and Government to implement the Fair Work Framework and Fair Work First in the public, private and Third Sector.

The Scottish Government’s stated intention is for Scotland to become a Fair Work nation by 2025. Since the introduction of Fair Work First in 2023 a range of public sector employers as well as employers receiving Scottish Government contracts and funding have been required to publish Fair Work statements which should, where a union or unions are recognised, be agreed and signed by the unions. Alongside this, a range of organisations have agreed or are negotiating Fair Work Agreements which in many cases go beyond the Fair Work Statements.

From April 2024, the STUC intends to create a unit to support all such activities; to map opportunities; share best organising practice and to assess and deliver training.

The Fair Work Convention has a range of resources and TUC Education has recently produced and is piloting an online Fair Work resource [link]. Our project will seek to build on this by working with partners to create additional training and resources tailored to the needs of reps and officers.

